Why Am I Laughing?

Episode 44 | Why is Judd Apatow Funny?

Why Am I Laughing?
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00:00 | 52:39
This week on Why Am I Laughing, Ben and RJ talk about Judd Apatow, the man behind some of the best comedies in the 21st century! (40 Year Old Virgin, Anchorman, Bridesmaids, & so many more.) So take a ride on the Superbad Pineapple Express for the Trainwreck with a 100% chance of Crashing with Funny People.This podcast writes all it’s own puns.2:15- TV: Mike Schur have two new comedies in development at NBC!6:20 - Judd Apatow (A Brief History)11:108 - Why is Judd Apatow Funny?39:03 - Ben’s Wacky Facts46:23 - #WAILMAILoftheWeekWant us to read your email on next week's show?Send your words to whyamIlaughingpod@gmail.com You can always find our podcast on: iTunes Podcast app : goo.gl/p8BOlU Google Play : goo.gl/rsldp9 Stitcher : goo.gl/mtIGvk TuneInRadio: goo.gl/XkpKdr Twitter: @WAILPod https://twitter.com/WAILPod Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/whyamilaughing/ PodTyrant: goo.gl/srVA3PPatreon: patreon.com/WAILpod