Why Am I Laughing?
What's funny? Why is it funny? Ben and RJ are your in-house comedy gurus who talk about all things comedy, laughter, and side-splitting goodness. Tune in every Wednesday as we discuss comedians, tv shows, and the movies that make us laugh the most.You can also play the podcast on the iTunes Podcast app, Google Play, and Stitcher!
Why Am I Laughing?
Episode 39 | Why are Comedy Sequels Funny?
Why Am I Laughing?
This week on Why Am I Laughing, Ben and RJ talk all about Comedy Sequels! Sometimes they satisfy our thirst for an encore and sometimes people walk out of the film even if it was showing on a plane! We break down lots of the successful sequels as well as the trainwrecks in our world of comedy. So throw away your original ideas, rush through the creative process, and drop everything to satisfy studio execs; you better believe this podcast will sell out for a paycheck.1:35 - Television: Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt Renewed for Season 44:00 - Comedy Sequels (A Brief History)8:20 - Why are, or aren’t Comedy Sequels funny?42:00 - Ben’s Wacky Facts48:35 - #WAILMAILoftheWeekWant us to read your email on next week's show?Send your words to whyamIlaughingpod@gmail.com You can always find our podcast on: iTunes Podcast app : goo.gl/p8BOlU Google Play : goo.gl/rsldp9 Stitcher : goo.gl/mtIGvk TuneInRadio: goo.gl/XkpKdr Twitter: @WAILPod https://twitter.com/WAILPod Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/whyamilaughing/ PodTyrant: goo.gl/srVA3PPatreon: patreon.com/WAILpod