Why Am I Laughing?
What's funny? Why is it funny? Ben and RJ are your in-house comedy gurus who talk about all things comedy, laughter, and side-splitting goodness. Tune in every Wednesday as we discuss comedians, tv shows, and the movies that make us laugh the most.You can also play the podcast on the iTunes Podcast app, Google Play, and Stitcher!
Why Am I Laughing?
Episode 32 | Why is Don Rickles a Comedy Legend?
Why Am I Laughing?
This week on Why Am I Laughing, Ben and RJ pay homage to the late, great, comedy legend; Mr. Don Rickles. As sad as it is to see one of the greats go, it's important to remember all the laughs he left us with. So brush up on your ethnic slurs, head to Las Vegas, and try not to take anything too personally; this podcast isn't pulling its punches.1:58 - Patreon Launch: check out Patreon.com/WAILPod 3:53 - HBO: TJ Miller Stand Up Special “Meticulously Ridiculous” announced5:46 - Netflix: Grace and Frankie Season 4 announced6:35 - TV: John Cleese to star in first TV show since Fawtly Towers.8:55 - Don Rickles (A Brief History)11:00 - Why is Don Rickles Funny?39:25 - Ben’s Wacky Facts46:50 - #WAILMAILoftheWeekWant us to read your email on next week's show?Send your words to whyamIlaughingpod@gmail.com You can always find our podcast on: iTunes Podcast app : goo.gl/p8BOlU Google Play : goo.gl/rsldp9 Stitcher : goo.gl/mtIGvk TuneInRadio: goo.gl/XkpKdr Twitter: @WAILPod https://twitter.com/WAILPod Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/whyamilaughing/ PodTyrant: goo.gl/srVA3PPatreon: patreon.com/WAILpodCheck out other amazing podcasts on the PodTyrant network at Podtyrant.com or GeekTyrant.com Don on 60 Minutes: https://youtu.be/bC6tUNIR9V0Don Roasts Frank Sinatra: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K-KeTNU-ods Don at Reagan’s Inaugural: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K3kJ7VPJnmI